ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 112 - Nutrient cycling and ecosystem function in forest ecosystems

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm Salon I, San Jose Marriott
8:00 AM
Litter nutrients in tropical secondary forests in response to climate variability
Katherine L. Tully, Columbia University; Deborah Lawrence, University of Virginia
8:20 AM
Seasonal variation of nutrient resorption in nine canopy trees of a Costa Rican rainforest
Tana E. Wood, USDA Forest Service; Deborah Lawrence, University of Virginia
9:00 AM
Effects of river type and microtopography and seasonality on soil phosphorus pools in forested floodplains of the southeastern United States
Megan E. McGroddy, University of Virginia; Mark R. Walbridge, USDA-ARS Office of National Programs
9:20 AM
Dominant mechanisms of inorganic phosphorus retention in floodplain forest soils in the southeastern United States
John A. Navaratnam, West Virginia University; Megan E. McGroddy, University of Virginia; Mark R. Walbridge, USDA-ARS Office of National Programs
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Dissolved organic nitrogen losses from forested watersheds across the southern Appalachians
Emily Bernhardt, Duke University; Brian J. Roberts, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium; Patrick J. Mulholland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; E.N. Jack Brookshire, Princeton University
10:10 AM
Rainfall simulation sediment and nutrient dynamics in different forest types in the Lake Tahoe basin
Joshua S.E. Meidav, University of California; Michael G. Barbour, University of California , Davis
10:30 AM
Effects of N, P, and C additions to the belowground processes of white oak and sugar maple
Candice M. Smith, University of Illinois; J. C Randolph, Indiana University; James Bever, Indiana University
10:50 AM
The effects of forest thinning practices and altered nutrient supply on soil trace gas fluxes in Colorado
Mark A. Gathany, Cedarville University; Ingrid C. Burke, University of Wyoming
11:10 AM
Marine aerosols alter soil processes in coastal forests
Jana Compton, US EPA, Office of Research and Development; M. Robbins Church, US EPA, NHEERL, Western Ecology Division; Yuko Asano, The University of Tokyo