ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 31 - Niche relations and theory II

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Almaden Blrm I, San Jose Hilton
8:00 AM
What controls spatial niches? Testing theory with tarweeds
Howard V. Cornell, University of California, Davis; Susan P. Harrison, University of California, Davis
8:20 AM
Disturbance response strategies open coexistence opportunities in fire-prone heathlands
Adam David Miller, The Pennsylvania State University; Peter Chesson, University of Arizona
9:20 AM
Testing for belowground resource partitioning in experimental grassland communities
Stefanie von Felten, ETH Zurich; Nina Buchmann, Institute of Agricultural Science, ETH Zurich; Andrew Hector, University of Zürich; Pascal Niklaus, University of Zurich; Bernhard Schmid, University of Zurich; Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, University of Freiburg
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Coexistence of specialist and generalist plants in variable environments
Donald R. Schoolmaster Jr., U.S. Geological Survey
10:00 AM
Competition, nitrogen partitioning, and plant coexistence
Isabel W. Ashton, National Park Service; Amy E. Miller, National Park Service; William D. Bowman, University of Colorado; Katharine N. Suding, University of California at Berkeley
10:20 AM
Demographic variability, scale, and evaluation of niche theory
Jeffrey M. Diez, University of California, Riverside; H. Ronald Pulliam, University of Georgia
11:00 AM
Predictions and postdictions from the hierarchical representation of habitat
Jurek Kolasa, McMaster University; Craig R. Allen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Craig Stow, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Jan Sendzimir, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis