ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 54 - Mycorrhizae: Community-level relationships

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Santa Clara I, San Jose Hilton
1:30 PM
Dispersal of mycorrhizal inoculum to Quercus garryana seedlings: Constraints on the Janzen-Connell hypothesis
Darlene Southworth, Southern Oregon University; Sara Anglin, Southern Oregon University; Seth Barry, Southern Oregon University; Elizabeth Carrington, Southern Oregon University; Jonathan Frank, Southern Oregon University; Karen Stone, Southern Oregon University; David Taylor, Northwestern University & Chicago Botanic Garden; Brea Viratos, Southern Oregon University
1:50 PM
Intraspecific variation within AM fungal populations associated with different host plant species
Baoming Ji, Indiana University; Susan Kennedy, University of California, Berkeley; Brenda Casper, University of Pennsylvania; Stephen P. Bentivenga, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
2:10 PM
Host identity affects ectomycorrhizal community structure: What overlapping rhizospheres save to share
Nathaniel A. Hubert, Northern Arizona University; C.a. Gehring, Northern Arizona University
2:30 PM
Separating the role of genetics and environment in determining the mycorrhizal community composition of hybridizing cottonwoods
Zsuzsi Kovacs, Northern Arizona University; Catherine Gehring, Northern Arizona University; Kristin Haskins, The Arboretum at Flagstaff; Thomas Whitham, Northern Arizona University
2:50 PM
Mycorrhizal inoculum source influences growth response of two California native plants and an invasive annual
V.A. Klaassen, University of California, Davis; V.P. Claassen, University of California, Davis
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Ectomycorrhizal fungi suppress saprotrophs in a tropical monodominant rain forest
Krista L. McGuire, Barnard College, Columbia University; Donald R. Zak, University of Michigan; Christopher Blackwood, Kent State University
3:40 PM
Landscape-level patterns of fungal community composition parallel the spatial distribution of upland forest ecosystems
Ivan P. Edwards, University of Michigan; Donald R. Zak, University of Michigan
4:00 PM
Arbuscular mycorrhizal communities are ecologically matched to plants and soils
Brenda Casper, University of Pennsylvania; Baoming Ji, Indiana University; Stephen P. Bentivenga, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
4:20 PM
Investigating the maintenance of diverse arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities
Jennifer H. Doherty, University of Washington; Brenda Casper, University of Pennsylvania