ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 68 - Forest communities: Pattern and dynamics

Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm Salon II, San Jose Marriott
8:20 AM
Vegetation change in a sensitive forested wetland in the Upper Midwest
Jason E. Mills, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; James A. Reinartz, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Gretchen A. Meyer, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; Erica B. Young, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
9:00 AM
Canopy gap dynamics in old-growth riparian forests along low order streams, Adirondack Mountains, New York
Miranda Thomas Curzon, University of Minnesota; William S. Keeton, University of Vermont
9:20 AM
Long-term trends in size-class distribution, recruitment, and mortality of trees in a hemlock-hardwood forest in northern Michigan
Ted T. Salk, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Lee Frelich, University of Minnesota; Shinya Sugita, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
The effects of demographic processes on the spatial structure of an old-growth forest: The importance of density-dependent mortality
Adrian Jai Das, USGS Western Ecological Research Center; John J. Battles, University of California, Berkeley; Nathan L. Stephenson, United States Geological Survey; Phillip J. Van Mantgem, United States Geological Survey
10:30 AM
Trade-offs between tree growth and survival rates along elevation gradients in forests of New Zealand
Sabrina E. Russo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; David A. Coomes, University of Cambridge; Susan Wiser, Landcare Research; Richard P. Duncan, University of Canberra; Richard Barker, University of Otago