ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 125 - Fire ecology III

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
J3, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
1:30 PM
Fire-driven changes in Alaskan black spruce forests: Regeneration sensitivity to surface fuel consumption
Jill F. Johnstone, University of Saskatchewan; Terry Chapin, University of Alaska; Teresa N. Hollingsworth, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Leslie Boby-Sabatinelli, University of Florida; Michelle Mack, University of Florida; Ted Schuur, University of Florida
1:50 PM
Early vegetation response to repeated high-severity fire in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon, USA
Dan C. Donato, Oregon State University; Joseph B. Fontaine, Murdoch University; W. Douglas Robinson, Oregon State University; J. Boone Kauffman, Oregon State University; Beverly E. Law, Oregon State University
2:10 PM
The effects of fire in the regeneration of a Quercus douglasii stand in Quail Ridge Reserve (California)
José Ramón Arévalo, Universidad de La Laguna; Pelayo Álvarez, University of California; Nelmi Narvaez, University of California; Kenny Walker, Natural Reserve System-John Muir Institute of the Environment
2:30 PM
Post-fire succession in a Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodland: Importance of seed source availability and topographic heterogeneity
Lea A. Condon, Oregon State University; Peter J. Weisberg, University of Nevada, Reno; Jeanne C. Chambers, USDA Forest Service
2:50 PM
Propagule and nutrient limitations on vegetation recovery after high severity wildfire in dry coniferous forests
David W. Peterson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Erich K. Dodson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Adaptation to fire in the rare Appalachian forest herb Xerophyllum asphodeloides and its implications for forest conservation and management
Norman A. Bourg, Smithsonian Institution - National Zoological Park; Douglas E. Gill, University of Maryland; William J. McShea, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute at the National Zoological Park
3:40 PM
Effects of fire on nutrient availability in Florida scrub
Jennifer L. Schafer, North Carolina State University; Michelle C. Mack, University of Florida
4:00 PM
Interactive influences of repeated fires and non-native species on plant community succession at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Alison Ainsworth, Oregon State University; J. Boone Kauffman, Oregon State University
4:20 PM
Experimental fire regimes and understory species composition in a tropical savanna in northern Australia
Kenneth A. Scott, Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre and Charles Darwin University; Samantha A. Setterfield, Charles Darwin University; Michael M. Douglas, University of Western Australia; Alan N. Andersen, Charles Darwin University