ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 19 - Statistical theory and methods

Monday, August 6, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Blrm Salon V, San Jose Marriott
1:30 PM
Predicting abundance from presence-absence data
Erin E. Conlisk, University of California, Berkeley; John Harte, University of California; John Conlisk, University of California, San Diego
1:50 PM
Over-dispersed Poisson versus negative binomial regression: How should we model count data
Jay M. Ver Hoef, NOAA; Peter Boveng, NOAA AFSC Marine Mammal Lab
2:30 PM
Estimation of age-specific survivorship when age is unknown
Fernando Colchero, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; James S. Clark Duke University, Duke University
2:50 PM
Inferring parameters from time series of multiple-pathogen systems: Building a computational statistics framework
Daniel A. Vasco, Institute of Ecology; Pejman Rohani, University of Michigan
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Incorporating behavior into habitat selection models
James D. Forester, University of Minnesota; Hae-Kyung Im, University of Chicago
3:40 PM
ICOMP: An important information criterion new to ecology
Jake M. Ferguson, University of Idaho; Mark L. Taper, Montana State University
4:00 PM
Defining and assessing data quality in online ecological information systems
James W. Brunt, University of New Mexico; Mark S. Servilla, University of New Mexico; Inigo San Gil, University of New Mexico; Duane Costa, University of New Mexico