ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 21 - Climate change and carbon cycling II

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
J2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
8:00 AM
Modeled gross primary productivity in an old-growth tropical rain forest: Effects of climate and canopy complexity
Molly A. Cavaleri, Michigan Technological University; Michael G. Ryan, Colorado State University
8:20 AM
Canopy photosynthesis drives diel patterns of fine root respiration in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest exposed to elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition
John E. Drake, University of Western Sydney; Gabriel G. Katul, Duke University; Evan DeLucia, University of Illinois
8:40 AM
The state of the carbon cycle in the northeastern United StatesĀ and Canada 1982-present: Results from a constrained, dynamic terrestrial biosphere model
Paul R. Moorcroft, Harvard University; David M. Medvigy, Princeton University; Stephen Wofsy, Harvard University; J. William Munger, Harvard University
9:00 AM
Effects of multiple global changes on carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes in an annual grassland
Claire K. Lunch, National Ecological Observatory Network; Christopher Field, Stanford University
9:20 AM
Interacting effects of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrate, and phosphate on plant growth and spectral reflectance of a California grassland
Nona R. Chiariello, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University; Todd Tobeck, Carnegie Institution for Science; Yuka Otsuki Estrada, Carnegie Institution for Science; Alison Appling, Duke University; Benjamin Z. Houlton, University of California, Davis; Noel P. Gurwick, Union of Concerned Scientists; Christopher Field, Stanford University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Elevated CO2 alters root N uptake and C turnover in Larrea tridentata L
Virginia L. Jin, USDA-ARS; R. Dave Evans, Washington State University
10:10 AM
The contribution of old carbon to respiration from arctic tundra following permafrost thaw
Edward A. G. Schuur, University of Florida; Jason G. Vogel, Texas A&M University - College Station; Koushik Dutta, University of Florida; Kathryn G. Crummer, University of Florida; Hanna Lee, National Center for Atmospheric Research
10:30 AM
Reassessment of carbon accumulation at the Duke free air CO2 enrichment site: Interactions of atmospheric [CO2] with nitrogen and water availability and stand development
Heather McCarthy, University of Oklahoma; Ram Oren, Duke University; Kurt H. Johnsen, USDA Forest Service; Adrien C. Finzi, Boston University; Seth G. Pritchard, College of Charleston; Rob Jackson, Stanford and Duke universities; Charles W. Cook, Duke University; Kathleen K. Treseder, University of California, Irvine
10:50 AM
Microbial acclimation: Community-level functional responses to seasonality and 17 years of soil warming
Christian A. Davies, The University of Georgia-Athens; Mark A. Bradford, Yale University; Jacqueline Mohan, University of Georgia; Jerry M. Melillo, Marine Biological Laboratory