ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

COS 100 - Behavioral ecology: Movement and social interaction

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm Salon III, San Jose Marriott
8:00 AM
Rolling instabilities and maximum flight speed in foraging orchid bees
Stacey A. Combes, U.C. Berkeley; Robert Dudley, U.C. Berkeley
8:20 AM
Differences in group size and behavior of juvenile salmonids from complex and simple reaches of a cold-water Wisconsin stream
David G. Lonzarich, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Tim A Ruhde, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
8:40 AM
Social modification of growth in a cooperatively breeding cichlid: Conflict resolution through self-restraint?
Ian M. Hamilton, The Ohio State University; Nicole Bender, University of Bern; Dik Heg, University of Bern
9:00 AM
The influence of ocean currents on Leatherback Turtle movements in the open ocean
Trevor D. Davies, Dalhousie Univerisity; Ian D. Jonsen, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
9:20 AM
Contact network on Tasmanian devils: Implications for transmission dynamics of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease
Rodrigo K. Hamede, University of Tasmania; Hamish McCallum, University of Tasmania; Menna E. Jones, University of Tasmania
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Habitat selection by dispersing brush mice (Peromyscus boylii)
Karen E. Mabry, New Mexico State University
10:10 AM
Development of movement and foraging strategies in young-of-year grey seals elucidated by behavior discriminating state-space modeling
Greg A. Breed, Harvard University; W. Don Bowen, Bedford Institute of Oceanography; Marty L. Leonard, Dalhousie University
10:30 AM
The perfect family: A re-examination of biparental care in animals
Erol Akçay, Princeton University; Joan E. Roughgarden, Stanford University
10:50 AM
Quantifying the difference between animal movements and Brownian motion: Why do we still fail?
Luca Borger, University of Guelph; Ben Dalziel, University of Guelph; John M. Fryxell, University of Guelph