ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

PS 57 - Conservation

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Comparative analysis of an adaptive radiation: Origins of the variation in extinction risk among Hawaiian honeycreepers
Stephanie M. Cobbold, Utah State University; Ian P. Owens, Imperial College London; James A. MacMahon, Utah State University
A strategy for conservation of rare plants in the southeastern Fall Line sandhills
Rebecca R. Sharitz, University of Georgia; Harold E. Balbach, US Army ERDC; Gary R. Wein, University of Georgia; Kathryn R. Madden, University of Georgia; Donald W. Imm, University of Georgia
The biotic environment and conservation of scarce species
Zvika Abramsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Michael L. Rosenzweig, University of Arizona
The geography of private forests that support at-risk species in the conterminous United States
Marcos D. Robles, The Nature Conservancy; Curtis H. Flather, USDA, Forest Service; Susan M. Stein, USDA, Forest Service; Andy Cutko, NatureServe
Seasonal dietary variation and its implications for primate extinction risk
Jason M. Kamilar, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine; Nora Bynum, American Museum of Natural History; Claire Hemingway, Botanical Society of America
Restoring habitat for a threatened butterfly: The role of larval behavior
Paulette Bierzychudek, Lewis & Clark College; Karen Coffman, Lewis & Clark College; Sasha D. Stortz, Lewis & Clark College; Debbie Pickering, The Nature Conservancy
Future environmental change impacts on biodiversity conservation
Tien Ming Lee, University of California, San Diego; Walter Jetz, Yale University
Tribal sovereignty and the Endangered Species Act: Recovering the gray wolf
Davinna L. Ohlson, San Jose State University; Katherine K. Cushing, San Jose State University; Lynne A. Trulio, San Jose State University; Alan M. Leventhal, San Jose State University
Multi-scales characterization of roosting places of the king vulture, Sarcoramphus papa, in the Calakmul region
Yol P. M. Reyes, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, ECOSUR; Sophie Calmé, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, ECOSUR
The contribution of energetics to conservation: A case study - Sacramento perch
Christa M. Woodley, University of California- Davis; Joseph J. Cech Jr., University of California- Davis
Electric fencing as a measure to reduce moose-vehicle collisions
Mathieu Leblond, Université du Quebec a Rimouski; Christian Dussault, Ministere des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune; Jean-Pierre Ouellet, Université du Quebec a Rimouski; Marius Poulin, Ministere des Transports du Quebec; Réhaume Courtois, Ministere des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune; Jacques Fortin, Ministere des Transports du Quebec
A primer on the potential environmental impacts of peak oil
Guy R. McPherson, University of Arizona; Jake Weltzin, US Geological Survey
Conservation and cows: Using livestock grazing to improve habitat for mountain plovers
T. A. Scott Newbold, Sheridan College; Paul Stapp, Shortgrass Steppe LTER; Justin D. Derner, Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit; William K. Lauenroth, University of Wyoming