ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

PS 41 - Cycling - nitrogen

Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
N2O flux in a semiarid grasslands depends upon rainfall event size, N addition, and soil microsite
Caitlin C. Smith, Mt. Holyoke College; Chelsea L. Crenshaw, University of New Mexico; Joseph E. Fargione, The Nature Conservancy
Grassland and forest soil nitrogen transformations and microbial function in the North American Midwest
Lisa K. Tiemann, University of Kansas; Sharon A. Billings, University of Kansas
AAP1 functions in uptake of neutral amino acids and glutamate by Arabidopsis roots
Janet Chen, University of Wyoming; Yong-Hwa Lee, Washington State University; Justin Foster, Washington State University; Mechthild Tegeder, Washington State University
Effects of tree species and nitrogen fertilization on soil phosphorus concentrations
Matthew P. Weand, Southern Polytechnic State University; Mary A. Arthur, University of Kentucky; Gary Lovett, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Kathleen C. Weathers, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Does soil organic matter type influence nitrogen retention?
Marissa Weiss, Cornell University; Christine Goodale, Cornell University
Elevated CO2 increases long-term N mineralization and plant N uptake in a semiarid grassland: results from a five-year 15N tracer study
Feike A. Dijkstra, University of Sydney; Elise Pendall, University of Wyoming; Arvin R. Mosier, USDA-ARS (retired); Jennifer Y. King, University of California, Santa Barbara; Daniel G. Milchunas, Colorado State University; Jack A. Morgan, USDA-ARS
Fate of simulated atmospherically deposited nitrogen in a plant-soil mesocosm
Wenwen Wang, State University of New York - Binghamton; Weixing Zhu, Binghamton University (SUNY)
Abiotic reactions play a role in nitrate retention in three agroecosystems
Barbara E. Fricks, Colorado State University; Jason P Kaye, Penn State University; Rita Seidel, The Rodale Institute
Long-term effects of cattle grazing on nitrogen dynamics in a montane riparian ecosystem
Agnieszka Przeszlowska, Colorado State University; M.J. Trlica, Colorado State University
The role of phyllosphere microorganisms in nitrogen transformations in the canopies of black spruce plantations in northern Ontario, Canada
Carrie L. Woods, Clemson University; Shelley L. Hunt, University of Guelph; Andrew M. Gordon, University of Guelph
Plasticity in preferential nitrogen uptake by perennial woody shrubs
Francis H. Bozzolo, San Diego State University; David A. Lipson, San Diego State University; Janet Franklin, Arizona State University
Ammonium fixation dynamics in sub-grade decomposed granite
Daniel E. Rider, UC Davis; Re O'Dell, UC Davis; Dg McGahan, UC Davis; Vp Claassen, UC Davis
Linking changes in plant growth, soil structure, and N-transformers in a soybean agroecosystem under elevated CO2 and O3
Haegeun Chung, University of California-Davis; Kate M. Scow, University of California-Davis; Michael J. Sadowsky, University of Minnesota; Chris van Kessel, University of California-Davis; Johan Six, ETH
The impact of low-head dams on riverine and riparian nitrogen dynamics
Lauren E. McGee, Ohio State University; Virginie Bouchard, Ohio State University