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PS 29
- Herbivory
Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
PS 29-58
(De)fences make good neighbors: Reduced herbivory of spicebush (
Lindera benzoin
) under black walnut (
Juglans nigra
) canopies
Norris Z. Muth
Juniata College
Richard A. Niesenbaum
Muhlenberg College
PS 29-59
Plant density affects interactions between
Solanum carolinense
and its insect herbivores: Implications for plant population regulation
Stacey L. Halpern
Pacific University
Nora Underwood
Florida State University
Lauren Brothers
Florida State University
David Bednar
Pacific University
Joseph Simonis
Florida State University
PS 29-60
Trading places: The plasticity of leaf quality and herbivory on
Lindera benzoin
with light
Richard A. Niesenbaum
Muhlenberg College
Norris Z. Muth
Juniata College
PS 29-61
Selenium protects plants from prairie dog herbivory: Implications for the evolution of selenium hyperaccumulation
Colin F. Quinn
Colorado State University
John L. Freeman
Colorado State University
Miriam L. Galeas
Colorado State University
Erin M. Klamper
Colorado State University
Elizabeth A.H. Pilon-Smits
Colorado State University
PS 29-62
Multifunctional aspects of leaf beetles-induced willow leaf volatiles
Kinuyo Yoneya
Kyoto University
Junji Takabayashi
Kyoto University
PS 29-63
Effects of plant competition and insect herbivory on invasive
Cirsium vulgare
(Bull thistle)
Tomomi Suwa
Michigan State University and W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
PS 29-64
High levels of direct anti-herbivore defense are associated with low levels of indirect defense in a facultative ant-plant mutualism
Jonah Piovia-Scott
Washington State University
PS 29-65
Stroma-forming endophyte
Epichloë glyceriae
provides wound-inducible defense to its host grass
David J. Gonthier
University of Michigan
Terrence J. Sullivan
Hope College
Tom L. Bultman
Hope College
PS 29-66
Blue coloration in young leaves of
Moutabea gentryi
(Polygalaceae) as a possible antiherbivory defense
Constanza Tellez
Universidad de los Andes
Juan Posada
Université du Québec à Montréal
Edward A. G. Schuur
University of Florida
Sylvie Cournier
Universidad de los Andes
Rigoberto Gomez
Universidad de los Andes
PS 29-67
The effects of soil nitrogen availability on the defensive chemistry of an invasive plant species,
Linaria dalmatica
Mary A. Jamieson
Oakland University
Deane Bowers
University of Colorado
PS 29-68
An extension of the elemental defense hypothesis: Relatively low levels of Ni defend a metal-tolerant plant against herbivory
Sarah E. Dalrymple
Liverpool John Moores University
Micky D. Eubanks
Texas A&M University
Robert Boyd
Auburn University
PS 29-69
Chemical and morphological responses of an intertidal seaweed to waterborne cues from an herbivorous snail
Alexandra Hart
University of Washington
Kevin H. Britton-Simmons
University of Washington
Kathryn L. Van Alstyne
Western Washington University
PS 29-70
Does selenium hyperaccumulation confer protection from herbivory? A field study
Miriam L. Galeas
Colorado State University
Erin M Klamper
Colorado State University
Lindsay E Bennett
Colorado State University
John L Freeman
Colorado State University
Elizabeth AH Pilon-Smits
Colorado State University
PS 29-71
A phylogenetically-controlled test of habitat effects on plant anti-herbivore defenses: Constitutive and induced resistance
Peter A. Van Zandt
Birmingham-Southern College
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