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PS 21
- Behavior
Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
PS 21-1
Linking aquatic invertebrateĀ movement behaviorĀ to terrestrial habitat fragmentation in streams impacted by logging
Marcus W. Griswold
University of Florida
Thomas L. Crisman
University of South Florida
PS 21-2
Responses of juvenile salmonids to spring floods
William D. Hintz
Southern Illinois University
David G. Lonzarich
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
PS 21-3
Host plant availability and activity patterns among three populations of lubber grasshoppers (
Romalea microptera
Kevin M. Kocot
Auburn University
Jason E. Jannot
Illinois State University
Steven A. Juliano
Illinois State University
PS 21-4
Why woolly bears like hermaphrodite flowers: Corolla size affects florivore choice
Andrew C. McCall
Denison University
PS 21-5
Selective foraging and the functional response of
Pardosa milvina
(Araneae: Lycosidae) fed on different diets
Peter J. Sebastian
Miami University, Ohio
Ann L. Rypstra
Miami University
PS 21-6
The palatability of dominant herbs to the Taiwan field vole (
Microtus kikuchii
) in alpine meadows in central Taiwan
Han-chih Ho
National Taiwan University
Yu-Teh K. Lin
National Taiwan University
PS 21-7
Seasonal dietary changes of Formosan mouse (
Mus caroli)
revealed by stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes
Cheng-Wei Lee
National Taiwan University
Wen-Yuan Kao
National Taiwan University
Shuh-Ji Kao
Academia Sinica
Yu-Teh K. Lin
National Taiwan University
PS 21-8
The effects of prey availability and conspecific density on emigration of the wolf spider
Pardosa milvina
Kerri M. Wrinn
Miami University
Jason M Schmidt
Miami University
Ann L Rypstra
Miami University
PS 21-9
Hunting behavior in the spearing mantis shrimp,
Lysiosquillina maculata
Maya deVries
University of California, Berkeley
PS 21-10
Behavior and chemical cues reduce conspecific predation of newly-hatched crab larvae
Seth H. Miller
University of California, Davis
Steven G. Morgan
University of California Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory
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