ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

PS 10 - Forest habitats

Monday, August 6, 2007: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Halls 1 and 2, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Variations in coastal redwood forest decomposition and productivity along an environmental gradient
Vanessa Boukili, Earthwatch Institute; Dan Flynn, University of Zurich; Holly Ewing, Bates College; Pamela Templer, Boston University; Mary K. Firestone, University of California, Berkeley; Todd Dawson, University of California Berkeley
Egg-laying character: Change in egg size, clutch size, and date of first egg-laying of varied tit (Parus varius) with elevation in Mt Jiri of South Korea
Jong-Koo Lee, Seoul National University; Ok-Sik Jung, Seoul National University; Woo-Shin Lee, Seoul National University
Comparisons of Lepidoptera species assemblages among the different plant communities within the Long Term Ecological Research Sites in Korea
Hoonbok Yi, Seoul Women's University, Seoul, Korea; Sei-Woong Choi, Mokpo National University; Soowon Cho, Chungbuk National University; Min-Chul Kwon, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Habitat modeling for the presence of exotic earthworms in eastern New York forests
Jinguo Gao, Ohio state Univeristy; George Robinson, State University of New York at Albany
Survival of Ceiba aesculifolia and Quercus castanea in an altitudinal gradient influenced by an urban heat island
Roberto Lindig-Cisneros, National University (Mexico) or Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; Oscar Israel Valle-Díaz, National University (Mexico) or Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Relationships between forest stand attributes and Landsat TM data in southwestern Ohio
William N. Tardy, Ohio University; Ashley A. Wick, University of Alberta; John K. Maingi, Miami Univerisity; Thomas O. Crist, Miami University
An experimental study of ecotones: The effect of habitat on the population biology of Carex blanda
Debra D. Finch, University of Kansas; Helen M. Alexander, University of Kansas
Life as a seed: The influence of nearest neighbors on seed removal
Jaclyn Schnurr, Wells College; Richard S. Ostfeld, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; Charles D. Canham, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Longleaf pine ecosystem restoration: Creating a framework for adaptive management on Fort Benning, Georgia
Catherine E. Prior, The Nature Conservancy; Robert N. Addington, The Nature Conservancy; Michael G. Barron, Conservation Branch, U.S. Infantry Center, Fort Benning, GA, USA; Michele L. Burton, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; John K. Doresky, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, West Georgia Endangered Species Sub Office, Fort Benning, GA, USA; Wade C. Harrison, The Nature Conservancy; Stephen J. Hudson, ECW Environmental Group, LLC, Hampton, VA, USA; Donald W. Imm, University of Georgia; Robert K. Larimore, Land Management Branch, U.S. Infantry Center, Fort Benning, GA, USA; Jonathan H. Neufeldt, Conservation Branch, U.S. Infantry Center, Fort Benning, GA, USA; Peter K. Swiderek, Conservation Branch, U.S. Infantry Center, Fort Benning, GA, USA
Correlates of ethno- and biodiversity loss in Tropical Andes: A case study in Loja (Ecuador)
Marcelino de la Cruz, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid; Fani Tinitana, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja; Stefano Torracchi, Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja; Manuel Pardo de Santayana, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; Adrián Escudero, Rey Juan Carlos University
Characterization of depression forests in a karstic island: A geostatistical and multivariate analysis approach
Denny S. Fernandez, University of Puerto Rico at Humacao; Elvia Meléndez-Ackerman, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Tree size does not influence cyclone damage in tropical rainforest, North Queensland, Australia
Elizabeth A. McCarthy, Trinity College; Timothy J. Curran, School for Field Studies
Buttress roots act as tension members to prevent Australian tropical rainforest trees (Argyrodendron spp) from uprooting in a cyclone
Timothy L. Casper, Davidson College; Eric Nomura, Colorado College; Timothy J. Curran, School for Field Studies
Species abundance and diversity in tropical hemiepiphytic plant communities
Erin Coulter Riordan, University of California, Los Angeles; Philip W. Rundel, University of California, Los Angeles
Techniques to evaluate diurnal and seasonal carbon budgets of the western montane region
Jonathan R. Straube, Colorado State University; Dennis Ojima, Colorado State University; David J.P. Moore, University of Arizona; William J. Sacks, National Center for Atmospheric Research; David S. Schimel, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; William Parton, Colorado State University
The Hawaii Experimental Tropical Forest: Opportunities for research, education, and demonstration in the Pacific
J. Boone Kauffman, Oregon State University; Susan Cordell, USDA Forest Service; Colleen Cole, USDA Forest Service