Monday, August 6, 2007: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Blrm Salon III, San Jose Marriott
William Michener
Nancy Grimm
Margaret Palmer
Gaius Shaver
Rob Jackson
Decadal science plans have proven useful in many scientific domains for focusing research attention on key challenges, for identifying major infrastructure needs, and for creating new funding opportunities. Objectives of this session are to assess benefits of producing a decadal science plan for ecology, stimulate thinking about what might be included in a decadal plan (e.g., planning for NEON 2), and propose a strategy for implementing such a plan. The session includes four talks, followed by a moderated discussion and concluding remarks. First, the breadth, content and context of existing decadal science plans will be briefly reviewed, including the recently completed decadal research plan for the ocean sciences. Second, key research challenges identified as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment will be highlighted. Third, we will examine the process and products of the ESA Visions Committee as well as the implications of this effort for formal decadal science planning by the ecological sciences community. Fourth, one exemplar of a recently completed science plan for socio-ecological research will be presented. Finally, a moderated open discussion session will focus on identifying next steps that could be pursued by ESA in developing a recurrent decadal science planning process.