Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
A4&5, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Vishwesha Guttal
Ecology is a broad field with many opportunities; however, the path to success is often unclear. In this session, successful ecologists representing a diversity of career types will discuss specific strategies for success in ecology. Invited guests will offer practical advice on careers at research universities, liberal arts colleges, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and K-12 institutions. After a brief introduction to the session, rotating small groups will discuss various general topics, including: networking effectively, acquiring funding, interviewing and negotiating, publishing productively, and balancing different professional responsibilities. The small groups will provide an intimate and informal format for attendees to interact with professional ecologists. There will also be an opportunity for attendees and experts to discuss topics of special interest, such as conservation and restoration, ecology education and outreach, finding positions for married/partnered pairs, and science policy. This session should appeal to all ecologists, especially students and postdocs, whom we expect to motivate the discussions. Confirmed guests include: Lynne Trulio, Michael Mappin, Charles Nilon, Michael Vanni, and Maria Gonzalez.