ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

SYMP 8 - Plant functional traits as tools for ecological restoration

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
A2&7, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Jennifer Funk
Elsa Cleland
Elsa Cleland
One of the greatest challenges for ecological restoration is to identify the desired composition of the ultimate plant community. It is essential to understand which species will establish, co-exist, and perform the desired suite of services in the re-established ecosystem. Plant functional traits integrate the ecological and evolutionary history of a species, and can predict where a species is likely to succeed as well as its influence on ecosystem function. Successful restoration efforts must also consider continued anthropogenic disturbances, including the introduction of invasive species, changes in fire regime, and changes in abiotic factors. Thus, it is essential to identify species differences in functional traits and to understand how these inter-specific differences will mediate community response to changes in the environment. The goal of this symposium is to draw together academic and practicing restoration ecologists working on different aspects of plant function to identify successful strategies for restoration that utilize information on plant functional traits.
1:50 PM
Phylogeny- and provenance-linked traits and the invasion and restoration of California grasslands
Eric Seabloom, Oregon State University; Sophie S. Parker, University of California, Santa Barbara; W. Stanley Harpole, Iowa State University
2:10 PM
Restoring by re-assembling: Functional trait and resource controls on invasion
Katharine N. Suding, University of California at Berkeley; Elsa Cleland, University of California San Diego; Loralee Larios, University of Montana
2:50 PM
Restoration challenges and opportunities posed by non-random species losses in invaded California grasslands
Erika Zavaleta, University of California; Kristin B. Hulvey, University of Western Australia; Jae R. Pasari, University of California
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Designing restoration strategies: Using functional traits of plants species as both benchmarks and builders of soil conditions and plant communities
Valerie T. Eviner, University of California Davis; Christine Hawkes, University of Texas, Austin
3:40 PM
Community assembly in revegetated serpentine grassland: Functional vs. taxonomic perspectives
David U. Hooper, Western Washington University; Leslie M. Gonzalez, Western Washington University; Jeffrey S. Dukes, Purdue University
4:00 PM
Functional diversity, ecosystem services, and restoration
Daniel E. Bunker, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Dan F.B. Flynn, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shahid Naeem, Columbia University
4:40 PM
Tactics, opportunities, and obstacles of trait-based approaches to the restoration of ecological structure and function
Evan Weiher, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Tali D. Lee, University of Minnesota - Duluth; Stephen Bentivenga, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
See more of: Symposium