ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

OOS 4-7 - Telling is not enough:  Modeling and the force concept inventory

Monday, August 6, 2007: 3:40 PM
Blrm Salon IV, San Jose Marriott
H. Wells Wulsin, Physics, Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
The Force Concept Inventory measures students’ conceptual understanding of forces and motion.  The FCI has shown that even after a year-long physics course, many students still have not accepted the basic principles of Newtonian dynamics.  This fact has motivated many physics educators to adopt a modeling approach to teaching physics, in which students construct mental models about physical laws by performing guided investigations.  I will present the FCI results from my own modeling-based high school physics class and compare them to larger studies.  Although modeling is most commonly used in physical science classrooms, I will suggest some elements of the method which may be incorporated into life science teaching.