ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

OOS 9-1 - Why there are no "natural" ecosystems: Humans in the North Pacific landscape

Tuesday, August 7, 2007: 8:00 AM
B3&4, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Herbert Maschner1, Matthew Betts2, Nancy Huntly3, Katherine Reedy-Maschner1, Bruce P. Finney4 and James Jordan5, (1)Department of Anthropology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, (2)Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, Gatineau, QC, Canada, (3)Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, (4)Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, (5)Graduate School, Antioch University, Keene, NH
The Sanak Biocomplexity Project is funded by the National Science Foundation to investigate the role humans have played in the engineering of northern ecosystem dynamics. The integrative efforts among archaeologists, anthropologists, ecologists, geologists, oceanographers, and others have been a key element of this research. We have found that the behavioral ecology of Steller sea lions maybe a byproduct of human harvesting such that sea lions are adapted to certain human harvesting pressures. We have also found that trophic dynamics between species may also be conditioned by human adaptive strategies so that the interplay between sea urchins, sea otters, and humans is more complex than often acknowledged. We conclude that the natural Greater Bering Sea / North Pacific environment has been both passively and actively altered by a long history of interacting feedbacks between human social systems and the marine ecosystem.