ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

OOS 39-5 - How can we restore tropical forests to enhance wildlife conservation in a changing climate?

Thursday, August 9, 2007: 9:20 AM
Blrm Salon IV, San Jose Marriott
Martha J. Groom, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences & UW Restoration Ecology Network, University of Washington, Bothell, WA
How can we restore tropical forests to enhance wildlife conservation in a changing climate? Anthropogenic climate forcing is predicted to create many changes in climate in the tropics, with shifts in precipitation patterns already causing ecosystem change. Planning for wildlife conservation thus necessarily requires plans to cope with climate changes. Restoration of tropical forests may be an essential element of such plans, with particular attention paid to increasing connectivity, and to adding particular tree species that may serve as critical or keystone resources for targeted wildlife species. This paper reviews potential restoration priorities and key research questions that should be addressed in the near term if we are to create successful mitigation strategies for coming climate changes.